
Utility Solar Projects

AltaPro's is Capturing the Sun with Large Scale Utility Solar Projects

Shepard Solar Phase 1 & 2

Solar Capacity: 4,392kW
Project Completion: 2021

AltaPro supported the City of Calgary in the successful installation of the Shepard Solar Park, a 4.3 MW utility-scale solar project. Completed in three phases, this project generates enough electricity to power nearly 750 homes annually, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support Calgary’s green initiatives. AltaPro's expertise in site design and solar panel installation played a key role in bringing this sustainable energy project to life.

Spring Valley Solar

Solar Capacity: 1,169kW
Project Completion: 2024

AltaPro Electric provided a turnkey distribution connected Solar PV system for the Spring Valley Farming group. The project utilized the less desirable unfarmed corner of the existing irrigation pivot to not reduce the amount of farmable land. A split shift was key to keep the schedule on track for construction, and our team prevailed through winter construction conditions.

Creekside Geotech

Solar Capacity: Coming soon
Project Completion: 2024

AltaPro coordinated a site-specific geotechnical study to confirm the ground conditions at the Creekside Solar site. An initial visit was done to retrieve soil samples, test generic pile designs, and calculate bearing conditions as well as other pertinent information of the soil of the site. An optimized pile design based on this study was created and manufactured. A second visit was performed on the site to load test the actual bearing capacity of the pile design on site to verify the design against real world soil conditions.

Utility Solar O&M Programs

Solar Capacity: 500+ MW

Altapro was engaged to assist the existing site operator with the yearly site preventative maintenance program as well as an end of warranty site inspection. Our team inspected, measured, and verified over 2600 combiner boxes finding multiple issues before device failure. As well we assisted with Inverter station maintenance, issue tracking, and inverter troubleshooting.

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